Indie Post- BeautyBarBaby

Because I am far too lazy for foundation posts. (Although if you really want to look at a whole bunch of selfies, here is an album of BB cream samples I got on my face with mini-reviews for each one.)

BeautyBarBaby is a relatively new Etsy shop that opened in the May of this year. They had a sale, and I ordered a blogger pack and told them to select the colours, as I tend to do. It is worth nothing that they are currently having a fall sale with 50% off all their eyeshadow.

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Indie Post- Madd Style Cosmetics’ Madd Cat Monthly Box

That’s right, I found a monthly box to subscribe to. I’ve wanted to for a while, but generally, even if the box itself isn’t prohibitively expensive, shipping to Canada is. And with a lot of beauty boxes, I’ve seen people get kinda disappointed with products that they get. I’d probably suffer from that, since I don’t wear blush or bronzer, wear perfume, or do my eyebrows. However, Madd Style’s box seemed perfect for me. The page said I would get one limited edition shadow, one full-size of a product of theirs, at least two samples, plus surprises. All for sixteen dollars shipped to Canada. (Or anywhere else international, which is pretty great! And in the US it is twelve dollars! This is madness!) I decided to jump on that action, since I decided the cheap price meant I could handle getting a product I don’t normally use.

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Indie Post- Notoriously Morbid, Part 2

My apologies for the lack of posting. Big Things have been happening, and I’ve been really stressed recently. I could blog about them if you like, but that’s not why you’re here. Probably. Anyhow, as I stated in my last review of Notoriously Morbid, I was making an order from them as I tried to finish off the review. That order arrived yesterday, and I figured in my attempt to turn this into an all-Notoriously-Morbid-all-the-time blog, I might as well do up a quick review while putting off writing a big review for something else.

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Indie Mini-Post- Kimberly Noel Cosmetics

This post is about a thing I got for free. While I’d like to say that it’s because I am now a big-name blogger, it is actually because of reddit. Now, reddit, in general, can be a pretty horrid place, and I don’t recommend you go there ever. However, the makeup subreddits, among others, can be pretty alright. I saw the owner of Kimberly Noel Cosmetics commenting on someone’s post saying that she’d be happy to send them a sample of blush. Now, as many of you may have noticed, I don’t really wear blush. Like, at all. Ever. I’m kinda cheap, and don’t really want to spend money on a blush that will make me look straight up Pennywise-esque. I mean, I do sort of want to look like Tim Curry all the time, but I sort of had more of a Frank N Furter look in mind.

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