Eccentric Cosmetics 2- Eccentric Boogaloo

Yes, I know, I’ve been taking ages to post. Actual worst. On the bright side for me, I’ll be moving in a month or so, and once all that’s done I’ll look into a more regular posting schedule. Unfortunately, until then, I’m trying to save dollars and also not ordering a lot of things in case they arrive at my apartment after I leave, so I’ll be posting new hauls less often. I’m going to try posting with the things I already have, though. (Also, I’m sitting on a few orders right now, so I’ve got a few posts left in me.)

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Eccentric Cosmetics

Hey, punks! How’s things been going? Been a bit busy, but I’ve got a big one for you today. I’ve actually reviewed Eccentric Cosmetics a good year back (look at wee Bobbie, didn’t even wait for daylight to swatch.) I was alright with their eyeshadows, but wasn’t too thrilled. However, I heard really good things about their eye primer and they had liquid lipstick, so I was all over that noise.

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Alchimia Apothecary

As those of you who stalk my reddit account may know, I’ve recently been enamoured with a custom perfume from Alchimia Apothecary. It smells exactly like Earl Grey tea, which is an important thing in my life. I didn’t review it because I seriously have no idea what I am talking about with perfumes. So when she launched her new site and she had makeup and a blogger pack, I had to hop on that action.

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Darling Girl- Now With Glitter Glue!

So, the last time I made a Darling Girl order, they were out of glitter glue. I’ve been a longtime fan of Pixie Epoxy, but given recent difficulties with ordering from Fyrinnae, I’ve been looking for an alternative. Thus, when I saw that the Glitter Glue was back in stock, I made an order pretty much instantly, along with some new shadows because I was so impressed with the last ones.

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Pure Fusion Cosmetics

Every once in a while, I try to order something from a company I’ve never heard of. (It helps if they are also in Canada and have wicked cheap shipping.) Thus, I ended up ordering from Pure Fusion Cosmetics. They’ve got a lot going for them, including about 200 colours of eyeshadow, but I did manage to pick out a few things I wanted.

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How To Wear Blue Lipstick, Part 1

I have made almost fifty posts on this blog. This is kind of a big achievement. I don’t do very many things fifty times. If I had a dollar for each post I had made, I would now be able to buy the fancy foundation I’ve been really really wanting. Or, like, four plates of nachos, if we’re being realistic about what I would spend my money on. As a little celebration, I’ve decided to pass some guidance on to you- specifically, about blue lipstick. Since, you know, that’s sort of my thing, and I’m generally not very helpful when people ask me about it. So, to everyone who I’ve ever told “Step 1- put on blue lipstick. Step 2- you’re wearing blue lipstick now” this tutorial thing is for you.

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Darling Girl Cosmetics

Just a quick note to people who might care about these things- posting might slow down over the next little while. My laptop just inexplicably died on me, and while it has been coming back to life periodically, I’m not too hopeful. Moral of the story- do not buy your laptop out of a van for sixty dollars. (Although it did last a good five years, so that’s not too bad for that cheap.) While I do have a tablet I can write posts with on the go, I can only edit photos on my desktop, which stays at home, so unless you want tablet-camera unlabelled swatch photos, I need to be at home and have free time. You know how it is.

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Addictive Cosmetics review

As some of you may have gleaned, I tend towards… interesting colours in my eye makeup. I realized relatively recently that while I own a lot of red eyeshadows, I have yet to have found a true red eyeliner. So, like any responsible person does when picking out products that could mess with their sensitive eye chemistry, I went on Etsy and picked out the first one that had halfway reasonable shipping to Canada. Addictive Cosmetics sells a variety of products, so I ordered a bunch of samples along with the eyeliner because I might as well.

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Indie Mini-Post- Kimberly Noel Cosmetics

This post is about a thing I got for free. While I’d like to say that it’s because I am now a big-name blogger, it is actually because of reddit. Now, reddit, in general, can be a pretty horrid place, and I don’t recommend you go there ever. However, the makeup subreddits, among others, can be pretty alright. I saw the owner of Kimberly Noel Cosmetics commenting on someone’s post saying that she’d be happy to send them a sample of blush. Now, as many of you may have noticed, I don’t really wear blush. Like, at all. Ever. I’m kinda cheap, and don’t really want to spend money on a blush that will make me look straight up Pennywise-esque. I mean, I do sort of want to look like Tim Curry all the time, but I sort of had more of a Frank N Furter look in mind.

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