Addictive Cosmetics review

As some of you may have gleaned, I tend towards… interesting colours in my eye makeup. I realized relatively recently that while I own a lot of red eyeshadows, I have yet to have found a true red eyeliner. So, like any responsible person does when picking out products that could mess with their sensitive eye chemistry, I went on Etsy and picked out the first one that had halfway reasonable shipping to Canada. Addictive Cosmetics sells a variety of products, so I ordered a bunch of samples along with the eyeliner because I might as well.

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Fyrinnae Shadows and Lip Lustres

So, Fyrinnae looks like they’re open at the moment. That’s actually why this review rushed to the top of the queue, since I am being a good girl and not letting myself buy things before I review my last order from them. However, after figuring out everything I wanted to get and trying to log in to place an order, I found that they had shut down the login system because they weren’t taking orders. Unfortunately, this is a common problem for Fyrinnae- if you look at indie forums, you will see a lot of people asking why items won’t stay in the cart or they can’t log in. I do understand closing down the shop to help deal with demand- it’s a small yet popular operation, it happens. But really, putting up some form of notification is probably your best bet. There isn’t anything saying they had closed on the main page, or on their twitter.

I’m putting all this up here so you understand that I’m a little bit grumpy and am doing my best not to fall in love with these products in case they are never available again.

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Dreamworld Hermetica’s Avalon Mattes!

Alright, first off, I am actually the worst. My apologies. I got this packet about two weeks ago, and only just got around to posting this review today. I am still working through my Black Friday purchases. I’m sorry, Internet, I have failed you. This collection actually got a jump to the relative front of the line because I got the samples for free since that is the sort of thing that happens when you’re me.

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Oh my dear is it ever cold.

Alright, so, the plan was to post about Shiro before this Monday. That may or may not happen. I don’t mean to disappoint, but I really do have a good reason, I promise! This morning, there was a fire at a power plant, so my entire province lost power. (No, really. Picked a good day for it too, since it’s -30 degrees wind chill outside.) I’ve just gotten power back now, but it’s sort of flickering on and off, so a full post might not be happening right now. The power company is saying everything should be back to normal by Tuesday (!!!) so if nothing else, I’ll have something for you then.

Spoiler alert- pretty.


EDIT- Power is back, sorta kinda. There will be rolling blackouts until Tuesday, and we are out of fancy beers and smoked salmon, but generally everything is okay on this end. No need to worry!

Indie Post- Black Rose Minerals

So, Black Rose Minerals. It’s one of those companies that I kept hearing “they are great, but…” about. Back in the summer, they were having a few issues with getting orders out. I made an order anyway, because I wanted to try them and am nice. It took long enough for my order to be made and sent that I forgot I had made it and made another order. This order was sent out promptly enough that I got the shipping notification before I got the first one, so I think they’re back on track more or less when it comes to shipping issues.

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