A Wee Bit Morbid- Mystic Mattes and Slumber Salve

My other little Christmas gift to myself was from Notoriously Morbid. I had been really really wanting the 13 Black Rainbows Mystic Matte, since I did love the shadow until I completely used it up (which is an achievement on my own, given how wee my eyelids are and how many black eyeshadows with glitter in I own, despite the fact that most black eyeshadows with glitter in are functionally the same.) So when they had their free shipping sale, I made a small order.

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An Assortment From Notoriously Morbid

So, I finally decided to put my 40% from Notoriously Morbid to use when I saw they had lipsticks. Actual real lipsticks, guys. This is probably old news to most of you by now, but I was pretty jazzed. I mean, I don’t HATE hate lip glosses, but they don’t stay on long enough through tea and the long bits of hair by my face love to stick to them. I still love the NM Coffin Kissers, so I had to try the lipsticks out.

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Kae Q Cosmetics Beso Balms

My apologies for a lack of posts- the time of year caught up with me, both as a student and as a retail worker. Plus I was almost through all my pending orders to review. Luckily, I made a few Black Friday orders, and this one came through really quickly. I made the order on the 28th, I believe, and it came in on the 7th. That’s with shipping to Canada. That is ridiculously fast. I’ve ordered from shops in Canada with longer times to get here.

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Notoriously Morbid’s Grisly Grimoire

I managed to get this year’s Notoriously Morbid Halloween collection, if only because it was a preorder thing and not a “you have to be home and not working or otherwise busy and also you have to have money at some point between 2 AM and 3 AM when they sell out” thing. Plus this one is proper witchy, which is kind of my thing, so I was so in.

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Shiro- Get It While It’s Available Edition

So, as some of you may be aware, I’m a big ol’ slacker. I’ve been skipping out on writing the blog because I’ve been working, spending time with friends, and generally being a shiftless layabout. That said, I’m working on being less shiftless (and more shifty, I guess) so I’m powering through the stash of orders I’ve got waiting. Today, in honour of the Shiro packet from the sale that is winging its way to me as we speak, I’m looking at my last Shiro order.

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Shiro- Now With Intertubes

I am actually kind of ashamed. I have ordered from Shiro how many times now without ordering a blue lippy? Normally that’s the first thing I go for. Shame be upon my head. That said, I had to make another order last month, because the COTM was called Up All Night To Get Loki. While I’m not one of those obsessed Tom Hiddleston fangirls or anything like that, I thought his performance as Coriolanus was absolutely fantastic, and also there was a pun in the eyeshadow name, so I was all over that noise.

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Indie Post- Notoriously Morbid’s Coffin Set

Alright, everyone, I have written up two posts, one of which I was going to post today. However, I’m posting about Notoriously Morbid’s Coffin Set instead for a few reasons. I just got it in the mail today, as a spooky halloween surprise. As well, Notoriously Morbid is having a Halloween sale, with 31% off all orders over ten dollars. I have a feeling they knew I would get the package today, since I have implemented a “don’t have multiple packages from the same seller at the same time” rule for myself. I figured I might as well help get the word out while bragging about makeup I own.

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